




You may call the division office to contact the Dean or instructor within that department. 拨打(707)864-7000获取办公室和部门办公室的电话号码. You 可以访问“教员 & SCC网站的“职员”页(主页左下) 查找部门的电子邮件和电话号码.

我可以在哪里复印、打印或发传真? 收费是多少??

There is a copy and fax machine available for student use in the Student Center (1400 building Cafeteria area), and three copy machines in the Library area (Building 100.) 你可以在图书馆的电脑上打印. 请向这些区域的工作人员查询 关于费用.


要找零钱,你可以向自助餐厅或书店的收银员查询. Go to the Student Development office in the 1400 building, in front of the Bookstore (Cafeteria 区域)获得退款或报告故障的自动售货机.

我怎样才能拿到课程表或目录? 有什么区别??

您可以在以下网址查看在线课程表 My Solano,或查看打印版本 online. 课程表列出了本学期可用的课程. 学院 Catalog is a publication where you may get an overview of the SCC history, mission and goals, programs and requirements, course descriptions, regulations, and policies. 这是一个很好的参考资料. 你可以在网上观看 gve.markandlynsey.com/catalog.  


 请到澳门十二生肖买马网站的 学生资源 网页查阅网上课程资料.  


Check with the teacher if there is a slot available for you and ask him/her to provide you with an add code  to add the course through My Solano or in person at the Admissions 和400号楼的档案室.  


如果你在校园附近丢失了财物,请到失物所在地的办公室检查. 如果不在那里,请拨打(707)864-7000分机. 4367或到学生发展中心 (1400楼,自助餐厅及书店区).

我需要填写入学申请吗? Why? 需要收费吗?

If you are a new, a former student (out for one or more semesters), or an international 学生们,你必须在 gve.markandlynsey.com 在你注册课程之前.

If you are a student in grades K-12 enrolled in a public or private school seeking 特别录取,你必须在你的申请中提交特别录取表格. 请按连结下载及列印所需表格, 特殊的承认. This program is to provide an educational enrichment opportunity to a limited number 符合特殊录取标准的合格学生.

我需要参加评核测试吗?  评估中心在哪里?

新的州立法,AB705不需要英语或数学分班考试. Instead information from High School GPA and individual course grades will be utilized for 位置相反.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 测试中心 更多资讯网址.

The 评估中心 is located on the main Fairfield campus in the 400 Building, Room #442. 评估测试时间表可在网上访问 评估中心.

Students needing ESL (English as a Second Language) placement should go to the Testing 中心网站部分 ESL学生 了解更多信息.

我怎样才能获得经济资助? 经济援助办公室在哪里?

All students are encouraged to apply for the numerous Federal and State Financial 澳门十二生肖买马资料网站提供的援助项目.  通过完成免费申请 for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Renewal FAFSA, students are automatically considered 对于大多数联邦和州的项目.

Fee Waiver Program:  All California residents are encouraged to apply for a state funded Board of Governors Grant (BOGG) Fee Waiver to meet the California Community 大学强制性入学费用.

The 金融援助 Office is located on the main FF campus in 学生服务 Building 400. Room #425.  你可以在网上获得更多的信息 金融援助.


扩展机会计划和服务(EOPS)为以下学生提供服务 在经济和教育上都处于不利地位.  附加资格标准 include:
  • 是加州的合法居民.
  • 12年入学.澳门十二生肖买马资料网站0个学期.
  • 有资格获得费用减免a或B.
  • 根据国家定义的教育法典第五章,在教育上处于劣势.
Services include assistance in transferring to four-year universities; academic, career and personal counseling; BOOK SERVICES; priority registration and EOPS grants for 那些有品质的人.  EOPS办公室位于400号楼. 或者你可以 浏览网址: EOPS.

合作机构教育资源(C).A.R.E.)计划提供额外 support services for EOPS students which include assistance with childcare expenses, textbooks-supplies, and transportation costs; counseling and advisement, personal development; and help from peer counselors who are often single parents.


 Students are advised to consult with a counselor prior to each registration period or once per semester because requirements differ for each program, major, and college 此外,这些要求可能会发生变化. 的辅导员 协助学生确定目标和计划方案以达到目标. 精心选课是成功大学经历的关键.  


  • 星期一至星期四: 上午八时三十分至下午六时
  • Friday: 上午8:30至下午3:00.
Appointments are scheduled in person, over the phone, or through Zoom on a  first 来吧,先到先得. 每天的预约是有限的. You 如果可以的话,我可以试着在网上预约, 咨询预约.  


  • 特拉维斯空军基地
  • 维尔中心
  • 瓦列霍中心


 是的,快速问题可以在澳门十二生肖买马网站的快速服务时间回答.  再咨询 appointments over the phone can be scheduled through our front desk or online booking system. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 咨询服务 website. 


 Upon written request, two (2) official transcripts of record, bearing the signature 招生和记录主任的,将免费邮寄. 额外的副本 每人要预付2美元吗. 最少需要5 - 10个工作日 处理成绩单申请. 特快服务(最多一小时). 费用是7美元.每份成绩单50英镑. 其他大学的考试成绩和成绩单 不是澳门十二生肖买马资料网站成绩单的一部分,必须要求吗.

SCC成绩单的非官方副本可在以下网站访问 My Solano. 更多详细信息可在入场券上找到 & Records 成绩单 page.  


 All international student admissions must file official transcripts from all secondary 学校、大学或专业学校. 成绩单必须附有 官方英文翻译.

辅导员不评估国际成绩单. 学生可以选择有 their international transcripts evaluated by a private company that provides either 报告:收费的一般或详细报告. 提供该服务的公司列表 is linked here.


注册按优先顺序进行.  优先级注册定义和 时间表都列在了 课程时间表

我如何注册有先决条件要求的课程? 我怎样才能结算呢?

 A prerequisite requirement is a course or equivalent preparation that MUST be completed 在注册另一门课程之前. 学生在有先决条件的课程中注册 在满足先决条件的要求之前被阻塞. 你可以带上 your official transcripts as proof of completion to the Office of Admissions 和记录.


 SEP是学生教育计划. SEP就像一个蓝图,因为它概述了 courses in your major and general education courses on a semester-by-semester basis. Counselor are available to assist with development of an SEP based upon your college 专业和要获得的学位类型. SEP被认为是以下方面的指南 您未来的学术规划,因此可以在必要时进行修改.  


 教师的姓名、电子邮件地址和电话号码都列在学院的名单上 website gve.markandlynsey.com.  在主页上,点击“教职工” & 员工按钮,然后点击 适当的“部门”链接.  


The list of program degrees and certificates offered at Solano Community College may 可以在 一般目录.


The course numbering system at Solano Community College certifies the general or limited 每门课程在加州州立大学的可转学性.  以下 编号系统表明可转移性、信用状态或非信用状态等 相关信息.  有关具体转学信息,学生应咨询a 咨询师并参考潜在转学机构的目录.

  • 1-49  qualifies for the AA/AS Degree; transfer to the University of California system and 加州州立大学系统.
  • 50-99 qualifies for the AA/AS Degree and transfers to the California State university system.
  • 100-199 qualifies for the AA/AS Degree but, generally, do not transfer to four-year institutions.
  • 300-399 不适用于AA/AS学位的学分课程.  Exception:  One English course below English 1 which may be applied to the Associate 选修学位. 不转学到四年制大学.
  • 500-599 不计学分的课程.
  • 600-799  社区服务课程.  这些课程不需要学分,通常需要收费.


澳门十二生肖买马资料网站不提供这些特殊的课程,但是澳门十二生肖买马网站提供 offer the following majors: Registered Nursing, EMT (Emergency Medical Technician), CNA(注册护理助理)和医疗办公室专家. 你会发现 关于提供你专业的学校的信息,请访问 职业教练 网站 凯撒永久联合学校,和/或联系您当地或附近的ROP办事处.


SCC不提供GED完成课程. 你可以向当地的成人学校查询. If you are more than 18 years old and did not complete your high school program, you may have a chance to start taking classes at SCC to complete a certificate or AA/AS 获得学位或转学到四年制大学.  你可以提交SCC申请 录取(gve.markandlynsey.com), submit an official copy of your transcripts from high school to the Admissions & Records office, and then make an appointment with a counselor to plan your classes.


 是的,所有新的非豁免(见下面列出的豁免标准) 入学考试) students enrolling for the first time in any college English, English as a Second 语文或阅读课必须完成适当的测试(计划测试时段),以符合部门的要求.  评估中心位于400号楼, Room #442.


 Yes, we offer a real estate principles class (RE 164) designed to assist those preparing for the real estate salespersons and brokers license examination (check with your 当地县或政府办公室的要求).  


 澳门十二生肖买马网站不提供像CBEST (http://www.ctcexams.nesinc.com/)或SAT (美国大学.com)至SCC.  


  • APPLY 网上入场须知: gve.markandlynsey.com (如果你不是现在或以前的学生.)
  • REQUEST 所有大学的正式成绩单都要送到索拉诺社区 College, attention: Office of Admissions 和记录 and verify that ALL transcripts 已收到.

    (Foreign college transcripts must be evaluated by a credentialed evaluation service including a detailed report which distinguishes lower and upper division unit values. A list of acceptable evaluation service companies is available in the Office of Admissions 和记录.)
  • 后验证 ALL 你的其他大学成绩单在招生和记录办公室, VISIT 咨询办公室签到,开始你的成绩单评估过程 order to get a future appointment with a counselor for a potential referral to the 注册护理课程.


你可以联系卫生科学部 707-864-7108 或到805号办公室(800号楼)查询等候名单.